Update: While this offer has now expired, don't miss out on your future chance! Subscribe to the Friday-Fix below, and you might just find your name drawn for our next exciting promotion.
Hey there,
Can you believe it's been four years since the start of the COVID-19 lockdown? Time has flown, and it's been a journey for all of us. In the midst of those challenging times, I launched "Lockdown Abs with Uli" as a way to stay connected, active, and positive.
Now, as we hit this milestone, I'm excited to share that I'm offering the "Lockdown Abs with Uli" program absolutely free to you, my amazing followers. No strings attached, no expiration date – it's a gift from me to you.
All you need to do is subscribe to our Friday-Fix blog, where we share stories, insights, and tips. Take a moment to comment on a story that resonates with you or let me know what you'd like to see more of. Your engagement matters, and I want to make the Friday-Fix as valuable as possible for you.
Once you've subscribed and shared your thoughts, you'll receive an exclusive link to enroll in the Lockdown Abs with Uli program – no cost involved, and it's yours to keep.
This special invitation is only available through February 2024. I believe in the power of community and the positive impact we can have on each other's lives. Let's continue this journey together, focusing on our well-being and resilience.
So, what do you say? Take a read through the Friday-Fix, engage, subscribe, and let's make "Lockdown Abs with Uli" a lasting part of our health and happiness. I can't wait to have you on board!
Existing Subscribers
If you're already a subscriber, no need to worry – your exclusive invitation to the program will be arriving in your inbox shortly! I'd love to hear your thoughts and preferences, so feel free to engage and share your comments on the stories that resonate with you. Your input is invaluable to tailor the program to your liking.
And hey, why not extend the invitation to others you care about? Feel free to invite friends to join our community too! The more, the merrier on this journey to better health. 😊
Warm regards,